
The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick. Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.In this informative era, and due to great awareness, the general population is marching forward to adopt a better, safer and healthier lifestyle. This holds true as there has been a tremendous surge in use of health related apps and other devices to monitor lifestyle. Consequently, a large amount of data is generated pertaining to health and therefore its collection becomes a precious asset for everyone involved in the healthcare business, be it individuals, stakeholders or multinational giants.

As people are getting more and more techno graded with the easy availability of mobile based health apps, the mobile health data is the new craze among fitness enthusiasts. Tracking, collecting and analyzing this enormous pool of data through apps has opened a new horizon for the healthcare related platforms. Data suggests that in 2016 alone, the estimated total number of mobile health apps increased 57 percent leading to a staggering 3.2 billion health app downloads from the store. Furthermore on analysis the data also revealed that 52 percent of mobile phone users gathered health-related information(on fitness, weight loss, exercise, women’s health, sleep, medication, etc) using their mobile phone, leading to a significant increase in the sports and wellness sector, a whopping increment of 90 billion dollars since 2005 onwards, as against 46 billion dollars prior to 2005.

The problem

So when everything is getting better and bigger, what is the concern?? The question arises that, how and where do all this data, especially the user generated content, gets integrated for better use? What about the data ownership? Who holds the key? Although, we generate the data, do we hold the ownership of the data or it lies in hands of the company??Another big concern which emerged based on a study published in Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that “many health apps may be sharing patient’s health data without their knowledge and consent. Unfortunately, this concludes that we ourselves are not the owners of one of the most valuable assets, our own health-related data, although we constantly produce this data voluntarily or involuntarily. Another problem which existed but wasn’t realized was the lack of a platform for the entire data integration. Data in the form of numerical and feedback from sports or mindfulness coach, physical therapists and even a general practitioner, remained scattered among a variety of apps and devices.

Solution to the problem

To address all these problems and to provide a stable and befitting solution, Lympo was introduced in the market.Lympo was an intelligent initiative which combined technology networks such Blockchain, Smart Contract and user-controlled and/or user-generated data to create a robust ecosystem.It projects to nurture a marketplace for different health applications to interact and exchange service through LYM Utility.The Lympo provides with a fitness wallet which acts as an entry to the ecosystem and allows its user to create their profile, feed in their health related data and connect it with their favourite sports and health tracking apps. The data submitted of an individual via Lympo fitness wallet will be easily accessible to its user and can be viewed or shared by storing on blockchain.

Lympo Ecosystem

Lympo ecosystem basically comprises of three main parts:

  1. The Lympo digital fitness wallet (& user reward mechanisms)
  2. Lympo marketplace
  3. Lympo crowd funding and investment platform.

Lympo Fitness Wallet:

As stated above, a digital fitness wallet which is the core of Lympo’s structural blueprint is created, through which the users will create a profile. Other beneficial features like viewing and sharing information to other applications are also present such as :
● Rewards for achievement in exercising/dieting
● Use LYM tokens to buy wellness products and services
● Manage personal data

Lympo Marketplace:

The Lympo marketplace like any other trading platform allows the user to receive services or buy products by spending tokens.
The user-generated data marketplace will open doors for business players such as health insurances, research institutions, and data utility companies within and outside the sports and healthcare industry which have shown interest in interpreting the data of Lympo digital wallet users.

Lympo crowdfunding and investment platform:

This provides Lympo with the means to spread its wings and expand to a global level. Crowdfunding also allows token holders with the incentive to invest in good fitness start ups which ultimately leads a better lifestyle. The LYM token holders will be able to receive company shares for the tokens contributed along with the accessibility to trustworthy data from a large user base.

ICO Information:

They are conducting an ICO to garner public participation in the project. A total of 1,000,000,000 LYM Tokens are created in which 38.5 % is reserved for the ICO. The presale of the token is currently live and continues until 3rd February 2018.

Total Token Supply
• Total hard cap: 14.625 ETH= 650 min. LYM
• Soft cap 15%

• 265 mln. LYM = 5000 ETH
• 20% bonus for 90 mln. LYM 1 ETH = 60.000 LYM
• The rest 175 mln. LYM 1 ETH = 50.000 LYM
• Date: January 23 — February 3 (or as long as supply lasts)

• 385 mln. LYM = 9625 ETH
• 1 ETH = 40.000 LYM
• Date: February 17 — February 28 (or as long as supply lasts)

Fund Distribution:

For more information contact LYMPO on the followin platform;

Telegram group;
Telegram page;
Twitter page;
Facebook page;
Medium page;

Created by : semarm3sem;u=1723984

ETH : 0x8D40f1C92Cb57edA2Ac2b87ba1690fC59137E34a

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