BUDDY – Decentralized Development Automation Platform

Many companies are not in a hurry to implement automation of development, despite the obvious advantages. The introduction of this technology is a painful and complex process, covering a variety of application tools, programming languages and development environments. Many companies on the path of automation are faced with infrastructure scaling problems.

Have you ever heard of application automation development? If you have, I am sure you know what a huge potential power it has. This is a wonderful technology, but, unfortunately, not so many companies and organizations can afford it and start making their business better. There are different reasons for it, but the most popular are culture and mentality of the current region, special legacy infrastructure that can make a lot of obstacles, application complexity. You can face some difficulties because of your employees could not know enough to provide the necessary working conditions. Besides, as far as I know, big groups of people who use automation as a key differentiator and value driver have to fight for scaling up their DevOps infrastructure.
Moreover, there is no solution for fighting with clashes of attitudes and conflicting goals.It is too hard for a single party to provide the infinite automation to cover all the popular languages of programming, frameworks and services such as blockchain technology, for example.

That is why, for those of you who have experienced such kind of problems, I want to write this post about Buddy – a decentralized development automation platform with the help of which you can put application development on autopilot. Now, thanks to Budd, you have a chance to create a decentralized DevOps marketplace and automation grid for the perfect growing and improving the current situation with your business.

Buddy has many advantages, such as automation pipelines, which make possible to automate the development of any application you need. For every code branch you will be able to see automated instant application previews in the form of full-stack ones and test environments. Rich variety of dedicated integrations can provide you with comprehensive support for as many stacks as you need.

One of the top priorities of Buddy is openness and transparency with open-source goals, community-curated marketplaces and vote-based roadmaps. You can be sure that your voice as the voice of Buddy community will be not only heard, but also taken into consideration. No matter who you are – a developer, an experts or a common user – you all are connected in the good mission, the mission to take the load off developers by offloading everything that can be automated, which means that you will have a unique chance to make your life and life of other people simpler and make business more efficient.

Buddy has its own tokens, actually it has more than fifteen strong token use cases for all king of people – common users, developer and experts. No matter what are you interested in and what your job is – you are sure to find something useful in Buddy.

If you are somehow interested or connected with the theme we have discussed above, spend a few minutes and have a closer look at the official website of Buddy and read its whitepaper. In case you have some questions, feel free to ask the to technical support team, they will always be glad to help you and explain the details. The only thing left for me now is to wish you good luck and thriving for your business. Join Buddy – and you will never ever need another assistant.

Technical part of the project

Problems & ChallengesProblems & Challenges.jpg

Our Solution

Already Delivered

  • Automation Pipelines
    Automate application development and deployment with 70+ ready-to-use steps
  • Sandboxes βFull-stack previews & test environments that work as automated instant application previews for every code branch
  • Integrations
    Rich pallet of dedicated integrations provides comprehensive support for many stacks

Token Sale Goals

  • Automation GRID

    Decentralized infrastructure for running an infinite number of automation tasks for app development

  • DevOps Marketplace
  • An app store for developers by developers with solutions that automate application development
  • BlockchainOps
    Development automation bots made for smarter, better & faster Blockchain apps

    Read our whiteapeper

Token Value

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Open Ecosystem
Buddy puts openness at its core with open-source goals, community-curated marketplaces and vote-based roadmaps.

Developers, Experts and Users all connected by the platform in a joint mission to take the load off developers by offloading everything that can be automated.

Token Economy
Strong token utility embedded into the platform with more than 15 strong token use cases for developers, experts and everyday platform users.

Details of the ICO, the distribution of tokens and money

As part of the sale, it is planned to sell no more than 470 million tokens of standard erc20 BUD at the price of 1 BUD for 0.0002 ETH. This is 60% of the total issue of tokens. Sale will cease to achieve the hardcap 60 000 ETH.

The ICO will be divided into several two-week stages. Depending on the time of purchase, buyers will receive a certain bonus token:

  • 1-14 August-the first stage, which will sell 62.5 million BUD with a bonus of 25%;
  • 15-29 August-the second stage, will sell 60 million BUD, the bonus will be 20%;
  • August 30-September 13-the third stage, it is planned to sell 57.5 million tokens, bonus 15%;
  • 14-29 September-will pass the fourth phase, will sell 55 million BUD c bonus 10%;
  • September 30-October 14-the fifth stage, 52.5 million BUD with a bonus of 5%;
  • October 15-October 29-the final stage, where 50 million tokens will be sold without a bonus.

Tokens will be distributed as follows: 60% will be sold, 20% will be taken by the team, 15% will be given to the reserve, 4% will go to the bounty campaign, advisers and lawyers, 1% – on Airdrop.

Distribution of proceeds: 50% will be spent on development and research, 35% will be given to marketing, 5% – on security, 10% – will spend on partnerships.


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    Regional Managers

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    Tokensale Experts

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Do you want know more? Information here :

Official Website: https://token.buddy.works/
Whitepaper : https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf
Official Telegram Group Chat 1 : https://t.me/buddytoken
Official Telegram Group Chat 2 : https://t.me/buddytoken2
Twitter : https://twitter.com/buddygit
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3798597

Posted By : Semarm3sem

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